Parkway Veterinary Hospital
To our valued clients,
Thank you for being a member of the Parkway Veterinary Hospital (PVH) family. Weunderstand how special your four-legged family members are to you, and they arespecial to us too. We want to make you aware of a change in services that is comingup next month.
Starting October 15, 2022, PVH will no longer approve prescriptions from outsidepharmacies. Online pharmacy medications do not come with a medication warranty ora manufacturer guarantee. We want to ensure your pets receive medications from atrusted source. Please know that our in-house pharmacy and online pharmacy bothprovide safe, sealed, manufacturer guaranteed medications for your pet. Please allow48 hours for in house prescription refills.
We know that this may seem like an inconvenience, but PVH is happy to offer youprescription refills, heartworm flea and tick prevention and more through our onlinepharmacy. Our online pharmacy carries nearly every medication your pet will need,offers coupons and discounts, veterinary exclusive rebates, free shipping on ordersover a certain amount, and also has an auto ship program. Setting up an account iseasy through and we can help you if you would likeassistance.
If you prefer to order through another pharmacy, we will gladly write you aprescription that will need to be picked up in person during our normaloperating hours
If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions, please contact us via phone 850-678-9733 or email [email protected].
Thank you for trusting us with the care of your pet!
Parkway Veterinary Hospital